Is Your College Committed To Student Employment Success?

What does it look like when your college is fully committed to student employment success? As they say, “You will know it when you see it.”

When your college is fully committed to student employment success, everyone in the entire college community (not just the Career Services Office) is both responsible for and accountable for helping students learn about, prepare for, find and land good jobs. Therefore, if you are attending a typical college where only the Career Services people perform those activities, you are not attending a college that is fully committed to student employment success.

Potential and current students and their parents will clearly recognize that there is an important difference at colleges that embrace the college community philosophy. Every college brochure, web site, employee and everyone in any way associated with the college will demonstrate their personal concern for each student’s ability to graduate with a job in their own field of interest, one that has career potential.

When students attend a committed college, they too must accept a wide variety of additional responsibilities. These responsibilities begin in the freshman year and continue each semester until they graduate. Committed colleges understand that job hunting success will depend on the preparation that has gone on before. In fact, there are so many things for students to do that a semester-by-semester plan of action will be necessary. Importantly, committed college leaders also have a detailed plan of action that takes students, employees and the entire college community through a process that regularly leads to employment success for students in every major.

What responsibilities must students accept?

- Commitment to a system that requires personal action each semester

- Early identification of career goals

- Frequent internet employment research projects

- Participation in job search preparation classes

- Periodic employment coaching and performance feedback

- The sharing of information with other students

- Building an employment network

- Developing relationships with potential references

… and other things too

Since the college community is comprised of many, many thousands of people associated with the college, it takes committed and strong leaders to establish a system such as The Job Identification Machineā„¢. However, when the entire college community comes together for this worthwhile purpose, wonderful things will happen, the kind of things that almost guarantee student employment success.

Obviously, the members of your college community must take their job search preparation assistance and training assignments seriously. Only with the interest, enthusiasm and concern of this community can students receive the volume and quality of employment preparation assistance it will take to ensure that large numbers of students impress employers.

When the entire college community comes together to help students: a) Learn how to conduct a comprehensive and effective job search, b) Do the things that will impress employers, and c) Identify thousands of employment opportunities there is a feeling and activity that does not exist on most college campuses today.

Everyone on and off campus recognizes that something special is taking place. Students buzz about the employment opportunities that would never have been identified at other colleges. College employees react with amazement to the results that have been achieved by committed College Leaders, Professors and Instructors, Administrators and everyone who works on campus. Parents and Alumni are recognized for their contributions.

All contributors are invited to participate in the celebrations and recognition events that are taking place on campus. Reporters and leaders of other colleges question participants about what has taken place. For good reason, the emotions, sights and sounds of the college community display the happiness and pride in the employment results that were achieved by the graduating class.

Is this what happens on your campus?

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